Third-Party Ship management is a highly professional activity primarily when performed under the strict, demanding guidelines set by the International Ship Managers Association. The size and composition of a fleet managed by AXMarine. offer the owner the benefits of very competitive buying power for spares, stores, and services. The owner is free to concentrate on fixing his ships in today's competitive markets, knowing that AXMarine. agreed budgets for daily running costs are adhered to.
AXMarine's staff have previously served with shipbuilding, repairing, owning, and management companies of high repute. Their skills comprise technical know-how, allied with commercial awareness of our client's ships' trades. AXMarine has the skills to operate any vessels, from bulk carriers to steam turbine tankers and reefers to highly sophisticated LNG ships. A particular degree of specialization has been achieved on chemical tankers.
AXMarine also makes efficient use of powerful computer-based applications. Mostly adapted in-house to our needs, forming a part of our service to clients providing continuous monitoring and instantaneous reporting on vessel's costs and condition.
AXMarine provides owners, financial institutions, underwriters, and Statutory Organizations with professional representation outside their resources. The Company thus invests upon the considerable shipping knowledge accumulated by the AXMarine. AXMarine executes work as non-exclusive supervisors. For example, other clients include international insurance groups. The Company regularly carries out pre-purchase condition surveys. An additional service offered is asset auditing and monitoring the condition of ships for those parties who are financially involved in them, either on a regular or incidental basis. This practice follows long-accepted international accounting standards in outside auditing.
Professional Ship management is an industry strictly governed by ethical and commercial standards. However, the importance of this industry's sector has grown considerably over the past two decades.
The Company's rationale is to provide an extremely high standard of service in terms of crew selection and maintenance, either directing or outsourcing. The vessel's condition and performance are always commensurate with competitive operating costs. The Company's total commitment and dedication to Quality Assurance, combined with our fully computerized experienced shore-based organization and our many years of experience in practical and theoretical know-how, provide an unbeatable professional combination.